***'NICHE Educational Foundation*** FBO - NIA BARBEE

The 'NICHE Productions INC' Educational Foundation has started this fund for the benefit of NIA BARBEE! Being economically and socially challenged, NIA has been excepted to a BOARDING PREP SCHOOL which costs $50,000.00(USD) in tuition fees per annum. Nia has successfully raised $10.000.00(USD) through her own fundraising campaign efforts! So we are pleading, on her behalf, for finacial and moral support from those can, to lend NIA a helping hand so she may have a chance to obtain the education and experience necessary to become an exceptionally productive asset to the community, and, the world!


Staff at PURNELL

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pottermore House

J.K. Rowling's Pottermore Site Is Now Open to the Public

With the books and movies all finished, are you suffering from Harry Potter withdrawal?


More Than $1.5 Million Worth of Harry Potter Ebooks Sold in 3 Days

Harry Potter fan site Pottermore sold more than $1.59 million worth of ebooks in the first three days after the books became available, Pottermore CEO Charlie Redmayne said on a Radio Litopia show, "The Naked Book."


J.K. Rowling Is A Rich Lady; Decoding Shakespeare's Scrawl

Today in books and publishing: A possible settlement between some of the Big Six publishers and the Department of Justice, Pottermore sold an estimated $1.5 million in e-books in its first three days, and a depressing look at an Amazon fulfillment center.


JK Rowling Upgrades Website, Teases First Adult Book

[More from Mashable: Pottermore to Be Online Gaming Site [REPORT]]


'Harry Potter' e-books finally fly onto an e-reader near you

Harry Potter fans rejoice. The hugely popular series is now available from J.K. Rowling's Pottermore website as digital downloads that can be read on e-readers, tablets and smartphones.


 Amazon, B&N make concessions for Potter ebooks

(Reuters) - Amazon.com Inc and Barnes & Noble Inc unveiled Harry Potter e-books on Tuesday in deals that suggest the companies made big concessions with author J.K. Rowling for electronic access to the hit series. Amazon said it struck a distribution deal with J.K. Rowling's new website pottermore.com. Amazon customers can search for the Harry Potter e-books in the company's Kindle Store, but ...


J.K. Rowling Is Writing a Potter Encyclopedia; The Pulitzer Blame Game

Today in books and publishing: J.K. Rowling isn't done with Harry Potter completely, the jurors for the Pulitzer's fiction prize explain why they're not to blame for the lack of a winner, and what DOJ's settlements with three publishers means for the way you buy e-books in the coming months.


Harry Potter, Now Magically Paper-Free; Creepy Vogue Article to Become Creepy Book

Today in books: Like magic, the Harry Potter e-books have arrived, E.L. James made a lot of money selling the film rights to Fifty Shades of Grey, and Ian McEwan has a late addition to the November publishing slate.


Harry Potter breaks e-book lockdown

When the Harry Potter books finally went on sale in electronic form on Tuesday, it was as if Harry himself had cast the "Alohomora" spell on them — the one that unlocks doors.


Harry Potter eBooks Available for the First Time on NOOK® by Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE: BKS), the leading retailer of content, digital media and educational products, today announced the highly-anticipated eBook editions of J.K. Rowling's bestselling Harry Potter stories are now available to buy for the first time ever at the Pottermore Shop through BN.com and NOOK starting today. All seven titles in the Harry Potter series, plus a complete set, can be ...







pottermore.com ,Pottermore: a unique online Harry Potter experience from J.K. Rowling,insider.pottermore.com ,Pottermore Insider,twitter.com ,pottermore - Twitter,en.wikipedia.org ,Pottermore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,huffingtonpost.com ,Bryan Young: A Look Inside Pottermore: First Impressions,books.usatoday.com ,Pottermore is back online but still not open to the public,usatoday.com ,J.K. Rowling's Pottermore promises excitement – USATODAY.com,mashable.com ,Pottermore Launch Delayed,facebook.com ,Pottermore | Facebook,facebook.com ,Pottermore | Facebook,time.com ,Pottermore, Part II: Hufflepocalypse Now - TIME,newsfeed.time.com ,'Pottermore' Secrets Revealed: J.K. Rowling's New Site is E-Book,guardian.co.uk ,Pottermore and more: 2011 in children's books | Children's books,shelf-life.ew.com ,Pottermore: First impressions of the new interactive Harry Potter site,the-leaky-cauldron.org ,Pottermore Beta Testing Period Extended - The Leaky Cauldron,wired.co.uk ,Pottermore - All the details about Pottermore, Harry Potter ebooks,paidcontent.org ,Pottermore.com Runs Reading Survey In Preparation For Harry,cheatswhiz.com ,Pottermore Insider 2012 | Pottermore Cheats, Walkthroughs, Guides,pottermorewatch.tumblr.com ,Pottermore Watch,youtube.com ,Pottermore SORTING! - YouTube,reddit.com ,Pottermore - Reddit,observer.com ,Pottermore Delays Opening to New Users for 'Immediate Future,harrypotter.wikia.com ,Pottermore - Harry Potter Wiki,nerdist.com ,Review: PotterMORE? Yes. Yes, That Would Be Nice. « Nerdist,pottermorefieldguide.com ,Pottermore Field Guide,mugglenet.com ,It's official: 'Pottermore' is J.K. Rowling's next Harry Potter project!,io9.com ,First Glimpses inside J.K. Rowling's Magical Online World of,publishersweekly.com ,The Magic of Pottermore,booksearch.blogspot.com ,Inside Google Books: Pottermore and Google team up to enable,sony.com ,Sony USA - Pottermore,forbes.com ,Pottermore: Expert Explains How Harry Potter's Website Will,wired.com ,J.K. Rowling's Pottermore Details Revealed: Harry Potter E-Books,telegraph.co.uk ,JK Rowling launches Pottermore website - Telegraph,latimesblogs.latimes.com ,Pottermore launches competition to select beta users - latimes.com,moviesblog.mtv.com ,Pottermore: J.K. Rowling Announces New Reading Material And,pottermoreforum.net ,Pottermore Fan Forum • Index page,teleread.com ,Pottermore surveys Potter fans on e-book and audiobook issues,pottermorenews.com ,Pottermore News - @pottermorenews | Anything and Everything,csmonitor.com ,Unveiling of Pottermore and J.K. Rowling's secrets: worth the wait,geek.com ,Harry Potter fans get fresh Pottermore details at LeakyCon 2011,gawker.com ,Pottermore Beta Encourages Wand-Play With Minors,themarysue.com ,Welcome to Pottermore | The Mary Sue,scoop.it ,Pottermore | Scoop.it,tweeting.com ,Location of the Hidden Books In Pottermore,z13.invisionfree.com ,Pottermore Friends,nerdreactor.com ,A Nerd's Reaction: Did Pottermore Sort Me in the Wrong House,nick.pro ,Pottermore Cheats Update: Potions and Friends | Nick.pro,dragonblogger.com ,Pottermore Sorting Hat Questions Analyzed,pottermoreforwriters.com ,Pottermore Wiki & Forums,expatronum.wordpress.com ,Expecto Patronum! | Canonical Potter and Pottermore,booksprung.com ,Pottermore delayed; no Harry Potter ebooks until 2012,www2.bupipedream.com ,What Pottermore has done to reading - Release - Pipe Dream,teens.ualibrary.org ,Pottermore - Upper Arlington Teens @the UAPL - Upper Arlington,geekmom.com ,GeekMom » Blog Archive » Welcome to Pottermore,tumblr.com ,pottermore | Tumblr,bigbaddie.com ,Exploring Pottermore | Baddieverse,theatlantic.com ,J.K. Rowling's New Pottermore Site Will Change Digital Publishing,independent.co.uk ,First Sight: Pottermore.com, the internet - News - Books - The,hpcompanion.com ,Pottermore « The Harry Potter Companion,snitchseeker.com ,J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter site Pottermore announces Magical,pottermore.deviantart.com ,#Pottermore on deviantART,cityweekly.net ,Salt Lake City Arts & Entertainment - Big Shiny Robot!: Pottermore,bigshinyrobot.com ,Big Shiny Robot - Pottermore: First Impressions,thetartan.org ,Pottermore doesn't live up to hype - The Tartan Online,userstyles.org ,Tumblr - Pottermore Themed Dashboard - Themes and Skins for,pottermorecentral.com ,Pottermore community fansite and forum :: Pottermore Central Forum,hypable.com ,Hypable Review: Pottermore holds short term excitement but lacks,econtentmag.com ,Pottermore and Beyond: New Digital Opportunities for Authors and,npr.org ,Quoth J.K. Rowling, 'Pottermore' : Monkey See : NPR,readwriteweb.com ,Pottermore: J.K. Rowling Launches a Mysterious New Website,thenextweb.com ,Harry Potter teams up with Google for Pottermore.com - TNW Google,sites.google.com ,Pottermore - LLL&R Scarves and Themes,artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com ,Pottermore: What's Next for Harry Potter? - NYTimes.com,au.ibtimes.com ,Pottermore - IBTimes Topics,kotaku.com ,An Open Letter to Team Pottermore,potternow.com ,Pottermore Forum,research.net ,Pottermore Survey,techcrunch.com ,With Pottermore, J.K. Rowling Gives Harry Potter The (Very,thesetonian.com ,Pottermore: a preview - Pirate Life - movies, music, life, arts, reviews,drewacorn.com ,Pottermore: Sorting hat leaves fans lost,makeuseof.com ,Harry Potter Fans Warned Against "Pottermore" Account Scams [News],wikihow.com ,How to Make Potions on Pottermore: 13 steps - wikiHow,gizmodo.com ,Pottermore Won't Sell Harry Potter Until Next Year,studlife.com ,Pottermore is casting a spell with its original and interactive content,alexa.com ,Pottermore.com Site Info,arstechnica.com ,J.K. Rowling's Pottermore reveal: Harry Potter e-books and more,geeksaresexy.net ,Pottermore + Google = eBooks for Everyone,ology.com ,What To Expect From Pottermore | Ology,meisjunk.hubpages.com ,Pottermore Clues: Closed!,akshul.com ,– Pottermore : Beta Experience, Impressions and Reactions -,articles.cnn.com ,J.K. Rowling previews mysterious 'Pottermore' site - CNN,coventry.patch.com ,Five Tips for Getting onto Pottermore Early - Coventry, RI Patch,perezhilton.com ,Pottermore Is Up & Running! Early Entry Available TODAY,wildcat.arizona.edu ,Arizona Daily Wildcat :: More Pottermore, please,ceimz.com ,Pottermore (@pottermore) on Twitter,cosforums.com ,Pottermore v7 - Chamber of Secrets,infodocket.com ,"Pottermore e-book launch pushed back to 2012? « INFOdocket,inquisitr.com ,Pottermore Beta Arrives With Access Contest: Find The Magic Quill,hexus.net ,Pottermore no fun on Apple iDevices thanks to Adobe Flash,elmgoestohogwarts.wordpress.com ,Blog of a Pottermore Beta,businessinsider.com ,Harry Potter And "Pottermore" Could Force Amazon To Open Up,






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