***'NICHE Educational Foundation*** FBO - NIA BARBEE

The 'NICHE Productions INC' Educational Foundation has started this fund for the benefit of NIA BARBEE! Being economically and socially challenged, NIA has been excepted to a BOARDING PREP SCHOOL which costs $50,000.00(USD) in tuition fees per annum. Nia has successfully raised $10.000.00(USD) through her own fundraising campaign efforts! So we are pleading, on her behalf, for finacial and moral support from those can, to lend NIA a helping hand so she may have a chance to obtain the education and experience necessary to become an exceptionally productive asset to the community, and, the world!


Staff at PURNELL

Saturday, April 21, 2012

News of World

World News

US & Canada

  • Nugent says had "solid" meeting with Secret Service

    OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - Musician and gun-rights advocate Ted Nugent said on Thursday he had a positive meeting with U.S. Secret Service agents investigating his recent criticism of President Barack Obama, and the agency confirmed the issue had been resolved.


  • Shocking nation, Norway killer describes island massacre

    OSLO (Reuters) - In an account that shocked the nation, Norwegian anti-Muslim fanatic Anders Behring Breivik described with a chilling calm on Friday how he methodically chased teenagers room by room and shot them dead on an island summer camp last year.


  • IMF to secure at least $400 billion in crisis funds

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Group of 20 nations on Friday were poised to commit at least $400 billion to bulk up the International Monetary Fund's war chest to fight any widening of Europe's debt crisis.


  • Radio contact lost with circling plane over Gulf of Mexico

    April 19 (Reuters) - Authorities said the pilot of a small plane circling over the Gulf of Mexico near Florida on Thursday was not responding to radio calls.


  • Insight: U.S. barnyards help China super-size food production

    ALBION, Indiana/BEIJING (Reuters) - Inside a dimly lit barn in northeast Indiana, where the air smells faintly of corn and earth, the future of China's food supply is squealing for attention.


  • Nugent says had "solid" meeting with Secret Service

    OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - Musician and gun-rights advocate Ted Nugent said on Thursday he had a positive meeting with U.S. Secret Service agents investigating his recent criticism of President Barack Obama, and the agency confirmed the issue had been resolved.


  • Rove rides again, as a force behind Romney

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly a decade ago he was dubbed "Bush's Brain," for his influence in guiding Republican George W. Bush to the U.S. presidency.


  • Measles cases reached 15-year high in 2011: CDC

    ATLANTA (Reuters) - Measles cases in the United States hit a 15-year high in 2011, with 90 percent of the cases traced to other countries with lower immunization rates, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Thursday.


  • Exclusive: Murdered Briton in China left meager savings to family, friend

    BEIJING (Reuters) - Expatriate British businessman Neil Heywood, whose murder has caused political upheaval in China, left his wife and children in a financially uncertain situation in China, prompting a former business associate to pay for their plane tickets to attend his London funeral, a family friend told Reuters.  

  • Norway killer says he was a nice person

    OSLO (Reuters) - The Norwegian anti-Muslim fanatic who killed 77 people in a shooting and bombing rampage last July told a court on Friday he was basically a "nice person" who had trained himself to stifle his emotions so he could carry out the attacks.






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