***'NICHE Educational Foundation*** FBO - NIA BARBEE

The 'NICHE Productions INC' Educational Foundation has started this fund for the benefit of NIA BARBEE! Being economically and socially challenged, NIA has been excepted to a BOARDING PREP SCHOOL which costs $50,000.00(USD) in tuition fees per annum. Nia has successfully raised $10.000.00(USD) through her own fundraising campaign efforts! So we are pleading, on her behalf, for finacial and moral support from those can, to lend NIA a helping hand so she may have a chance to obtain the education and experience necessary to become an exceptionally productive asset to the community, and, the world!


Staff at PURNELL

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required for international students looking for an admission in US universities and colleges for higher studies. TOEFL measures the capability of inherited speakers of English to use, spoken, written and .. read more >>


Eligibility for TOFEL Test: 


How to Score in TOEFL:


When is the TOEFL test held?


Register for the TOEFL Test


Register for the TOEFL® iBT


Book TOEFL Test Online:


Online Course Review: TestDEN

Thinking of taking the TOEFL? Make sure to take a look at this in-depth review of TestDEN's 60 day TOEFL Online Trainer course. This course is reasonable and very worth your while.

Free TOEFL Study

A step by step guide to taking taking the TOEFL exploiting free TOEFL resources on the Net. By your About.com ESL guide. Updated and expanded April 20, 2001.

Top TOEFL Study Materials

Taking the TOEFL is a necessary step for any non US educated student wanting to study at a North American university. It is also increasingly required from other educational institutions throughout the world, as well as a desired or mandatory job qualification.

TOEFL Structure Quizzes

Series of four TOEFL multiple choice sentence structure practice quizzes.

Take a Test

Before you take a test for ESL learners provides a guide to proper test preparation for the TOEFL, FCE, IELTS, or other important English exams.

TOEFL Study Materials

Buying guide to TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) study and preparation materials

TOEFL Structure Quizzes

Series of four TOEFL multiple choice sentence structure practice quizzes.

Online Course Review: TestDEN

Thinking of taking the TOEFL? Make sure to take a look at this in-depth review of TestDEN's 60 day TOEFL Online Trainer course. This course is reasonable and very worth your while.

English Tense Review - Conjugating Verbs

Tense Review and conjugation exercise to help advanced level English ESL EFL TESL or TOEFL classes and students review all major tenses





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1 comment:

  1. How can anyone say’s that toefl is easy? It is not easy test but also I want to say it is required only our attention

    TOEFL reading questions


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