***'NICHE Educational Foundation*** FBO - NIA BARBEE

The 'NICHE Productions INC' Educational Foundation has started this fund for the benefit of NIA BARBEE! Being economically and socially challenged, NIA has been excepted to a BOARDING PREP SCHOOL which costs $50,000.00(USD) in tuition fees per annum. Nia has successfully raised $10.000.00(USD) through her own fundraising campaign efforts! So we are pleading, on her behalf, for finacial and moral support from those can, to lend NIA a helping hand so she may have a chance to obtain the education and experience necessary to become an exceptionally productive asset to the community, and, the world!


Staff at PURNELL

Saturday, June 25, 2011

MP PET Counselling 2011 DTEMP Online Counselling for 2011 MP PET 2011 Counselling

MP-PET Online Counselling for 2011

The admission to various institutes in Madhya Pradesh is made on the basis of MP PET results 2011 and the availability of seats at the time of counselling. Students can check the counseling 2011 schedule on official website. MP PET seat status will be regularly updated on the website once the seat allotment begins.

MP PET Opening & Closing Ranks

It is advised that aspirants refer to opening & closing ranks of various institutes before the DTEMP counseling schedule starts. The opening & closing ranks for previous year for the participating colleges is available on the official website. This information will be helpful in choosing the right college at the time of MP PET seat allotment process. Since the process will be based on merit, securing a good rank in the entrance exam is a must for students to bag a seat in their preferred college. 

MP PET Seat Allotment Procedure

Online registration facility will be available to the candidates. Directions for the registration process for online counselling are available at the official web link. Candidates should carefully read all the instructions and completely fill all the required details. After the submission of all required details, students may proceed to make the payment. 

Documents and certificated will be verified during the counselling process. Admission may be denied if a candidate carries any false document. After the documents have been verified, seat allotment will follow. Based on the seat status at DTEMP counselling, candidates will be allotted seat in his/her choice of institute.

Contact For More Information: -

Phone:- 07869596286

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