***'NICHE Educational Foundation*** FBO - NIA BARBEE

The 'NICHE Productions INC' Educational Foundation has started this fund for the benefit of NIA BARBEE! Being economically and socially challenged, NIA has been excepted to a BOARDING PREP SCHOOL which costs $50,000.00(USD) in tuition fees per annum. Nia has successfully raised $10.000.00(USD) through her own fundraising campaign efforts! So we are pleading, on her behalf, for finacial and moral support from those can, to lend NIA a helping hand so she may have a chance to obtain the education and experience necessary to become an exceptionally productive asset to the community, and, the world!


Staff at PURNELL

Thursday, January 27, 2011


A remembrance of important people and events in the history of the AFRICAN diaspora. Since 1976, it is celebrated annually in the United States of America and Canada in February and the United Kingdom im the month of October. In the U.S., Black History Month is also referred to as African-American History Month.

The Remembrance has its roots in 1926 by United States historian Carter G. woodson as "Negro History Week". Woodson chose the second week of February because it marked the birthdays of two (2) Americans who greatly influenced the lives and social condition of African Americans: former President Abraham Lincoln and abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass. Woodson also founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, now the [Association for the Study of African American Life and History.]

Black History Month sparks an annual debate about the continued usefulness of a month dedicaed to the history of one (1) race. Some critics contend that Black History Month undermines the contention that African American History is simply American History. Critical op-ed pieces have appeared in the "Cincinnati Enquirer" and "USA Today".

in reference to: Black History Month - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (view on Google Sidewiki)